Winter can be beautiful with sights like sunshine sparkling off
snow covered trees. Skaters and skiers, snow ploughs and shovels
all contribute to the sights and sounds of winter. For those who
enjoy winter sports this is a wonderful time, but for those with
asthma triggered by cold air, it is a time for advance planning.
Although cold air is a common asthma trigger, its effects can be
anticipated and prevented from having an impact by taking a reliever
medication 10-15 minutes prior to exposure. Other triggers common
to the winter season are hockey arenas where a combination of cold
air, exhaust and vapors from the ice cleaning machines often trigger
or aggravate asthma symptoms. Lastly there is exercise induced asthma.
Exercise induced asthma commonly presents 10 minutes after the exercise
has begun or following exercise and is best managed by keeping your
asthma well controlled and, if prescribed, taking a reliever medication
10 -15 minutes before exercising. The good news is that outdoor
activities can be done with proper planning.