The early morning chill, leaves changing colour, and shorter periods
of daylight can only mean that fall has arrived. Outdoor temperatures
can be very cool. If you have fall triggers, avoidance is the best approach.
If avoidance is not possible, keep your asthma well controlled and plan
ahead to deal with these triggers.
While some will see the beginning of the fall season as a
relief from the hot, humid ‘dog days’ of summer that often led to too many
smog alerts and breathing problems. Other however, are not looking forward
to the fall as they are anticipating another season of sneezing, snorting
and coughing……Hail the start of the hay fever season. Hay fever season
begins about the middle of August and will last until the first frost.
Not only do the fall months bring discomfort to many allergy and asthma
sufferers but it is compounded by the outdoor moulds thriving in the
damp environment created by falling and decaying leaves. Those who
are allergic to both mould and fall pollen, such as ragweed, should
monitor their symptoms closely and take preventative action.
What can you do? Schedule an appointment with your doctor
to get your flu shot and to review your written asthma action plan. Take our
controller medicine as prescribed and employ avoidance strategies such as
removing the fallen leaves before they decay and rot.